To utilize the Projects Hub API, begin by setting up an account. If you haven't already, click here to create an account.
You need to add projects before you start to fetch them.
Obtaining Your API Key
Once registered, navigate to your settings page to retrieve your API key. It should resemble the following format.
Accessing Projects
With your account set up, you can now retrieve your public projects from Projects Hub via the API. Let's embark on this journey by initializing a new project. You can either follow along on your local machine or use platforms like StackBlitz.
HTML Template Creation
Start by crafting the necessary HTML structure:
<main> <divclass="container"> <h1>Fetching Projects using Projects Hub API</h1><!-- --> <divclass="projects"><!-- Your projects will go here --> </div><!-- acknowledgement --> <h4class="acknowledgement">Powered by Projects Hub</h4> </div></main>
Next, let's design the project cards and display them within the projects div:
In the function above, createProjectsCard constructs a card for each project, extracting its details and embedding them into the card template.
Note: The following is a sample code to retrieve projects from the Projects Hub API. So use this code to fetch projects and display them on your site.
constPROJECTS_HUB_API_KEY='USE YOUR OWN API KEY'; // get your API key from''; // the projects hub API URL// get projects from the APIasyncfunctionfetchProjects(){// send a GET request to the projects hub APIconstresponse=awaitfetch(PROJECTS_HUB_API_URL, { method:'GET', headers: {'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':`Bearer ${PROJECTS_HUB_API_KEY}`,// set the API key here }, });// parse the response to JSONconstdata=awaitresponse.json();// throw an error if the request was not successfulif (!data.success) {thrownewError(data.error.messageDetail ||'Something went wrong!'); }// return the;};
The fetchProjects function above retrieves public projects from Projects Hub.
Displaying Projects
Now, let's render these projects on the user interface:
// render projects to the DOMconstrenderProjects=async () => {// get the projects calling the getProjects functionconstprojects=awaitfetchProjects();// get the projects container element with the class of `.projects`constprojectsEl=document.querySelector('.projects');// render the projects to the DOMprojects.forEach(project => {projectsEl.innerHTML +=createProjectsCard(project); });};// call the renderProjects function to render the projects to the DOMrenderProjects();
The renderProjects function calls fetchProjects to fetch projects and displays the projects on the UI.
Congratulations on reaching this point! If you have questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to join our Discord Community.